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Dayspring Programs

Dayspring Programs

Dayspring Programs, Inc.


Housing and substance abuse treatment services for homeless families.

People We Serve

Homeless children and their families.


(410) 563-3459 voice
(410) 276-0036 fax


1125 N. Patterson Park Avenue
Baltimore, MD 21213

General Information

Housing program provides substance abuse treatment, case management, children's services, and health education for low-income or homeless families in early recovery. Offer connections to rental assisted housing and support services.

Open 24/7


Permanent Supportive Housing


After completing the Supportive Housing Program, your family may move to Dayspring’s permanent, supportive housing to prepare you to enter the community.

Case managers visit as needed to help your family communicate with your landlord, maintain your home, seek or maintain employment, and provide a safe environment for children. Required to participate in support groups and to develop family plans including short and long-term goals your family hopes to achieve.

Program serves 64 families in scattered-site, rent-subsidized housing and supportive services.


To qualify for permanent supportive housing, you must be at least 18 years of age, have a history of homelessness as defined by the U.S. Department of Housing and Community Development and have custody of at least one child. There are no age limits for children in either housing.

How to Apply:

Referrals for permanent supportive are received through the Mayor’s Office of Homeless Services Coordinated Access. Waiting program can take up to 30 days after meeting with Dayspring staff due to rental assistance paper work and required inspections.
Substance Abuse Treatment Services


Addiction Counselor provides individual substance abuse treatment sessions and group meetings to identify goals for recovery.
Strengthening Families Program (SFP) workshops conducted to create a positive family dynamic, supportive parent/child relationships, guidance/supervision, communication and values.

Supportive Services


Staff connects you to resources in the community that assist with family stability, allowing children to live in safe environments. Services include intensive case management, parenting education, substance abuse treatment, health education, mental health counseling, peer support groups, Head Start program, Early Head Start program, job readiness, community-based referrals and resources.

Head Start is an early childhood and family development program that promotes healthy development in young children.
Provides: Educational, social, physical, behavioral and nutritional health; child care services; child assessments/individual education plans; support to parents as a role model; parental Involvement. Click to apply now!

Transitional Housing


Services focus on children’s needs and family stability, addressing goals to stay drug free and keep stable housing. Trauma-informed and trauma-specific services are provided to address links between violence, trauma, and addiction.

Program serves 18 families, including children up to the age of 16 and multiple-children families.


Families with a parent of 18 years or older with a history of homelessness and substance abuse. There are no age limits for children.


Must be low-income, in early recovery from substance abuse, have custody of at least one child or re-unification plan, and history of or current domestic violence situation.

How to Apply:

Referrals for Dayspring’s transitional housing program are from substance abuse treatment programs, Department of Social Services, community programs working with victims of crime and/or domestic violence. The waiting program for transitional housing can be up to 60 days after acceptance into the Dayspring program.