Connect with resources in Baltimore City
Displaying 31 - 60 of 188 results 26/30 located on map
Baltimore City Community College (ESL & Citizenship) (Se habla español)
Baltimore City Community College
(410) 986-5430
710 E. Lombard St. , Baltimore, MD 21202Free citizenship and ESL classes.
Clases gratuitas de ciudadanía y de inglés. -
University of Maryland Urgent Care- Downtown Campus
University of Maryland Medical System
105 Penn Street , Baltimore, MD 21201Urgent Care services and COVID-19 testing is available here.
Los servicios de atención de urgencia y las pruebas de COVID-19 están disponibles aquí solo con cita previa. -
Issaiah House Inc.
(443) 882-1943
919 Calwell Rd. , Baltimore, MD 21229Level 3.1 Transitional 90 day housing program with an intensive outpatient and outpatient component.
Issaiah House es un programa de vivienda de transición de nivel 3.1 con un componente ambulatorio intensivo y ambulatorio. -
Mentoring Male Teens in the Hood
(410) 852-8013
2100 N Monroe St, 2nd Floor , Baltimore, MD 21216Mentoring Male Teens in the Hood is a group mentoring program serving Kings between the ages of 8 and 18 who live in the Baltimore Metropolitan area since 1996 where education, speakers, trips, sporting events
Centro SOL (Mt. Clare) (Se Habla Español)
Johns Hopkins Bayview Medical Center
351 S. Woodyear St. , Baltimore, MD 21223Produce boxes are available here for pickup on Fridays at 5pm, while supplies last.
Cajas de alimentos con productos frescos disponibles aquí para recoger los viernes a las 5:00 p.m., mientras duren las reservas. -
Power Inside
Power Inside, Inc.
(410) 889-8333
325 E 25th Street , Baltimore, MD 21218During COVID-19, individuals may call for phone counseling and referrals, though their number is NOT a hotline and is NOT available 24/7. (Durante la pandemia de COVID-19, las personas pueden llamar para solicitar asesoramiento y derivaciones telefónicas, aunque su número NO es una línea directa y NO está disponible las 24 horas del día, los 7 días de la semana.)
Spirit of Faith Deliverance (Se habla español)
Baltimore City Health Department
721 E. 25th St. , Baltimore, MD 21218Food boxes with fresh produce are available here for pickup on Wednesdays at 11 am
Cajas de comida con productos frescos disponibles aquí para recoger los miércoles a las 11 a.m. -
ReBUILD Johnston Square (Se habla español)
Baltimore City Health Department
501 E. Preston St , Baltimore, MD 21202Food boxes with fresh produce are available here for pickup on Wednesdays at 12:00pm
Cajas de comida con productos frescos disponibles aquí para recoger los miércoles a las 12:00 pm. -
Baltimore City Health Department T.I.K.E. Clinic Flu Shots
COVID-19 Resources
(410) 396-4454
1200 E Fayette Street , Baltimore, MD 21202Flu shots for children and adults (Vacunas de influenza para niños y adultos)
Caroline Center
(410) 563-1303
900 Somerset St , Baltimore, MD 21202This location offers job training in the health care field for women. (Esta ubicación ofrece capacitación laboral en el campo del cuidado de la salud para mujeres.)
Cherry Hill Community Presbyterian Church
(410) 355-6860
819 Cherry Hill Road , Baltimore, MD 21225Food and goods pantry open every third Saturday of the month at 11am. Please wear a mask.Bring a bag and pick up some free groceries.
Old Major/Historic Pigtown Food Rescue (Rescate de alimentos de Old Major/Historic Pigtown)
Food Rescue Baltimore
900 S. Carey St. , Baltimore, MD 21223Free food! Every Thursday at 1:30 pm at Old Major/Historic Pigtown neighborhood. Wear a mask and bring a bag to take fresh, nutritious food.
Comida gratis! Todos los Jueves a las 1:30pm en la vecindario Old Major/Historic Pigtown. Usa mascarilla y trae una bolsa para llevar alimentos frescos y nutritivos. -
YO! Baltimore West (COMIDA) (Food Rescue Baltimore)
Food Rescue Baltimore
1510 W Lafayette Ave. , Baltimore, MD 21217Free produce and food! Every Tuesday at 12pm. (¡Productos y alimentos gratis! Cada martes a las 12 pm.)
National Alliance on Mental Illness (Se Habla Español) (NAMI)
National Alliance on Mental Illness
(800) 950-6264
Free online support groups and virtual health events for friends and family of people with mental illness.
Ofrece grupos de apoyo en línea gratuitos y eventos de salud virtuales. -
Esperanza Center (Se habla Español)
Catholic Charities of Baltimore City
(667) 600-2900
430 S Broadway , Baltimore, MD 21231Resources for immigrants: telemedicine, COVID-19 hotline, educational and legal services.
Recursos para inmigrantes: servicios médicos, educativos y legales. -
Sarah's Hope House (Sarah's Hope Family Shelter )
St. Vincent de Paul of Baltimore
(410) 982-0845 x 101
1114 N. Mount Street , Baltimore, MD 21217Services include meals, activities, tutoring, adult education, case management, housing placement, etc. (Servicios: comida, actividades, tutoría, clases para adultos, administración de casos y mas.)
Baltimore City Health Department Clinical Services (SALUD -- Se Habla Español)
Baltimore City Health Department
STD services and emergency dental care services available by appointment
(Servicios de ETS y servicios de atención dental de emergencia disponibles) -
Southeast Community Development Corporation (Southeast CDC)
(410) 342-3234
The Southeast CDC will try to connect you to a food option.
El Southeast CDC intentara conectarlo con opciones de comida. -
Prospect Place
Cornerstone Community Housing, Inc
(410) 682-9660
8720 Philadelphia Road , Rosedale, MD 21237Prospect Place assists men experiencing homelessness seeking housing option, security, and shelter.
Prospect Place ayuda a los hombres sin hogar que buscan opciones de vivienda, seguridad y refugio. -
Loving Arms
Loving Arms Incorporated
(443) 415-1174
3313 Oakfield Avenue , Gwynn Oak, MD 21207Provides mentoring and referral services for children with incarcerated parents.
Brinda servicios de tutoría y referencia para niños con padres encarcelados. -
Complete Wellness Recovery (The Recovery Residences of Complete Wellness Recovery)
Complete Wellness, Inc.
(443) 961-3050
11 1/2 W. Chase Street, Apt 204 , Baltimore, MD 21201Living experience to support successful recovery and sobriety. (Experiencia de vida para apoyar la recuperación exitosa y la sobriedad).
South Church (Se habla español)
Community Meal Site
601 Cherryhill Road , Baltimore, MD 21225Produce boxes are available for pick up Thursdays at 12:00 pm, while supplies last.
Las cajas de productos agrícolas están disponibles para recoger los jueves a las 12:00 p. m., meintras se acaben las reservas. -
Zion Baptist Church (Se Habla Español)
Community Meal Site
1700 North Caroline St , Baltimore, MD 21213Produce boxes are available for pick up Wednesdays at 11:00 am, while supplies last.
Cajas de alimentos con productos frescos disponibles para recoger los miércoles a las 11:00 a.m., mientras duren las reservas. -
Kingdom Life Church (Se habla español)
Community Meal Site
504 Annabel St , Baltimore, MD 21225Produce boxes are available for pick up Wednesday at 10 am, while supplies last.
Las cajas de productos agrícolas están disponibles para recoger el miercoles a las 10 am, meintras duren las reservas. -
Gaudenzia The Harry and Jeanette Weinberg Center
Gaudenzia, Inc.
(443) 423-1500
3643 Woodland Avenue , Baltimore, MD 21215Residential and transitional housing for men.
Baltimore City Community Action Partnership (CAP)
Mayor's Office of Children and Family Success
(410) 396-5555
Rental Assistance and Utility Assitance available here! (¡Asistencia de alquiler y asistencia de servicios públicos disponibles aquí!)
Faith and Hope House
St. Ann's Infant and Maternity Home
4901 Eastern Avenue , Hyattsville, MD 20782Transitional housing services to mothers and young children experiencing homelessness. All services located on the St. Ann Campus. Eligibility varies by program. Now accepting persons to waitlist.
Vivienda de transición a madres y niños pequeños sin hogar. Los servicios ubicados en el campus de St. Ann. La elegibilidad varía según el programa. Ahora aceptando personas en lista de espera. -
MedMark Treatment Centers Cherry Hill (MedMark Cherry Hill)
Medmark Treatment Centers
(410) 453-1492
1801 Cherry Hill Road , Baltimore, MD 21230Buprenorphine and Methadone Treatment Services for opiate addiction. (Servicios de tratamiento de buprenorfina y metadona para la adicción a los opiáceos.)
MedMark Treatment Centers Essex (MedMark Essex)
Medmark Treatment Centers
(410) 469-7036
8909 Kelso Drive , Essex, MD 21221Buprenorphine and Methadone Treatment Services for opiate addiction. (Servicios de tratamiento de buprenorfina y metadona para la adicción a los opiáceos.)
MedMark Treatment Centers Mt. Vernon (Glass Health Programs, Inc.) (MedMark Mt. Vernon)
Medmark Treatment Centers
(410) 816-9339
817 North Calvert Street , Baltimore, MD 21202Buprenorphine and Methadone Treatment Services for opiate addiction.
Ofrecen servicios de tratamiento de Buprenorfina y Metadona para adicción a opiáceos.