Connect with resources in Baltimore City
Displaying 1 - 30 of 88 results 26/30 located on map
Maryland Access Point (MAP)
Maryland Access Point (MAP)
(410) 396-2273
Maryland Access Point is providing food-centered services for older adults and adults with disabilities in Baltimore City.
Henderson Hopkins
(443) 642-2060
2100 Ashland Ave , Baltimore, MD 21205Food boxes are available for pick up Fridays at 12:00 pm, while supplies last.Student must attend school to be served.
Sacred Heart of Jesus - Assisi House (Se habla Español)
Sacred Heart of Jesus
(410) 342-4336
600 S Conkling Street , Baltimore, MD 21224Assisi House provides food, clothing, referrals and encouragement to the homeless of the area, men and women in rehabilitation programs, immigrants and needy families.
City of Refuge (Se habla español)
City of Refuge
(410) 355-6707
3501 7th Street , Baltimore, MD 21225City of refuge provides free food on Mondays,Wenesdays and Thursdays.If its your 1st time bring your ID. See below for more information!
City of refuge proporciona comida gratis durante la semana. Lea a continuación para más información! -
New Shiloh Baptist Church Pantry (Se habla español)
New Shiloh Baptist Church
(410) 523-5306 x 12
2100 N. Monroe Street , Baltimore, MD 21217New Shiloh Baptist Church's food pantry is now open on Saturday's from 10 AM-1 PM.
Dispensario de comida abierto los sábados de las 10AM a la 1PM. -
My Groceries to Go! (Commodity Supplemental Food Program)
The Maryland Food Bank
(410) 737-8282
Seniors Get Monthly Food Assistance - To Go! (Asistencia alimentaria mensual para las personas mayores !)
Agape House (Se Habla Español)
Agape House, Inc.
(410) 566-5007
1501 N. Dukeland Street , Baltimore, MD 21216Provides short-term housing for mothers and their children; food; clothing; drug treatment referrals; after school and day camp programs.
Proporciona alojamiento a corto plazo para las madres y sus hijos; comida; ropa; referencias para tratamiento de drogas; programas después de la escuela y de campamento diurno. -
The Well
(410) 589-6670
4710 Pennington Ave , Curtis Bay, MD 21226Food boxes with fresh produce are available for pick up Wednesdays at 12:30 pm, while supplies last.
New Life Food Pantry
(443) 800-0213
2401 East North Avenue , Baltimore, MD 21213This food pantry is open Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays from 9am-12noon.
Youth Food Security
Baltimore City Health Department
(410) 934-6420
Free emergency food delivery everyday for youth ages 14-21.
Moveable Feast (Se Habla Español)
Moveable Feast
(410) 327-3420
901 N. Milton Avenue , Baltimore, MD 21205Moveable Feast provides medically nutritious meals and other services at no cost to sick and low-income individuals.
Comidas nutritivas y otros servicios gratuitos para personas enfermas. -
Manna House
Manna House, Inc.
(410) 889-3001
435 East 25th Street , Baltimore, MD 21218Offering breakfast Monday-Friday from 8am-10:15am.
Se ofrece desayuno de lunes a viernes de 8am a 10:15am. -
Senior Farmers' Market Nutrition Program
Maryland Access Point (MAP)
(844) 627-5465
Program that offers low-income adults ages 60 and over with coupons that can be exchanged for fruits and vegetables from farmers' markets.
Currently not handing out vouchers
Programa que ofrece a adultos de bajos ingresos de 60 años o más con cupones que pueden ser intercambiado por frutas y verduras de mercados de agricultores. -
Umar Boxing (COMIDA)
Food Rescue Baltimore
(410) 728-3600
1217 W. North Ave. , Baltimore, MD 21217Free food to take every Wednesday at 12:00 PM. Lasts 1 Hour. Bring a bag!
Comida gratis ofrecida todos los miércoles a las 12:00 PM. Dura una hora. ¡Traiga una bolsa!. -
The Maryland Food Bank (Se habla español)
The Maryland Food Bank
(410) 737-8282
2200 Halethorpe Farms Rd , Baltimore, MD 21227Maryland Food Bank is helping to feed Maryland citizens by providing informational resources and supporting food stamps (SNAP) applications. (Ayuda con SNAP)
Meals on Wheels (Se Habla Español)
Meals On Wheels, Central MD, Inc.
(410) 558-0827
515 South Haven Street , Baltimore, MD 21224Meals on Wheels provides meal and grocery delivery.
Beans and Bread Homeless Day Resource Center (Centro de recursos para personas sin hogar Beans and Bread)
St. Vincent de Paul of Baltimore
(410) 732-1892
402 S. Bond St. , Baltimore, MD 21231Grab-and-Go breakfast Monday through Friday from 8:30AM- 9:30AM and lunch Monday through Saturday and the last Sunday of each month from 11:00AM - 1:00PM. (Desayuno para llevar de lunes a viernes de 8:30am A 9:30 am y almuerzo de lunes a sábado de 11:00 am a 1:00 pm)
Cherry Hill Community Presbyterian Church
(410) 355-6860
819 Cherry Hill Road , Baltimore, MD 21225Food and goods pantry open every third Saturday of the month at 11am. Please wear a mask.Bring a bag and pick up some free groceries.
Women of Valor (Se habla español)
Women of Valor
(443) 800-3188
715 Ingleside Ave , Baltimore, MD 21228Support, resources, food pantry, and job training for low-income or homeless women in Baltimore. (Apoyo, recursos, despensa de alimentos y capacitación laboral para mujeres de bajos ingresos o sin hogar en Baltimore.)
Coldstream Homestead Montebello Community Organization
Coldstream Homestead Montebello Community Development Corporation
(410) 235-6715
2525 Kirk Ave , Baltimore, MD 21218CHM food pantry every Thursday at 11:30am,Call to confirm. Follow CHM on Facebook for real time updates on food services.
Civic Works
Food Rescue Baltimore
(410) 826-5955
2701 St. Lo Drive , Baltimore, MD 21213$15 worth of fresh groceries delivered to your home for Seniors only. Elder services, help with housing, and energy assistance also available here.
$15 de alimentos frescos llevado ha su hogar. Mayores de edad solamente! -
Day Center for Homeless Individuals
211 Maryland
(443) 201-3428
17 Bond Street , Westminster, MD 21157Day center providing care and meals for homeless individuals.
First Baptist Calvary Church
Community Meal Site
4200 Liberty Heights Ave , Baltimore, MD 21207Produce boxes are available here on Wednesdays at 11am.
Koinonia Baptist Church
Community Meal Site
5738 Belair Road , Baltimore, MD 21206Produce boxes are available for pick up every Thursday at 1pm, while supplies last.
Ruth Kirk Rec Center
Community Meal Site
122 North Vincent St , Baltimore, MD 21223Produce boxes are available for pick up Wednesdays at 11am, while supplies last.
Centro SOL (Mt. Clare) (Se Habla Español)
Johns Hopkins Bayview Medical Center
351 S. Woodyear St. , Baltimore, MD 21223Produce boxes are available here for pickup on Fridays at 5pm, while supplies last.
Cajas de alimentos con productos frescos disponibles aquí para recoger los viernes a las 5:00 p.m., mientras duren las reservas. -
Community Crisis Center (CCC)
Community Crisis Center, Inc.
(410) 526-7111
725 Main Street , Reisterstown, MD 21136Food pantry open here Mondays at 5pm-7pm and Saturdays at 9am-11am.
Assistance Center of Towson Churches
(410) 296-4855
116 W. Pennsylvania Ave. , Towson, MD 21204Get free food, financial assistance, and more resources here!
Our Daily Bread Center
Catholic Charities of Baltimore City
(667) 600-3400
725 Fallsway , Baltimore, MD 21202Our Daily Bread is providing breakfast and lunch meals daily, employment services, on-site support, tele-support, and referrals to other services across Baltimore city.
Charm City Land Trust (Se habla español)
Charm City Land Trust
2424 McElderry St , Baltimore, MD 21205Produce boxes are available here for pickup on Fridays at 10am, while supplies last.