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Connect with resources in Baltimore City

Displaying 1 - 30 of 460 results 21/30 located on map

  • Maryland Health Connection

    Maryland Health Benefit Exchange

    (855) 642-8572

    Website to enroll in Maryland health insurance.
    Sitio web para inscribirse en el seguro de salud de Maryland.

  • Home Isolation Instructions

    Baltimore City Health Department

    Visit the website for instructions on what to do after COVID-19 testing.
    Visite el sitio web para obtener instrucciones sobre qué hacer después de la prueba de COVID-19.

  • Maryland Access Point (MAP)

    Maryland Access Point (MAP)

    (410) 396-2273

    Maryland Access Point is providing food-centered services for older adults and adults with disabilities in Baltimore City.

  • Changing Lives at Home Mental Health Services (CLH)

    Changing Lives at Home Inc.

    (443) 869-2600


    4805 Garrison Boulevard , Baltimore, MD 21215

    Psychiatric Rehabilitation Program (PRP).

  • A Step Forward, Inc.


    (410) 462-6001


    800 N Fulton Ave 2nd Floor , Baltimore, MD 21217

    We offer clients our expertise and support in whatever struggle they may be currently facing by collaborating with clients, sponsors, donors, and volunteers.
    Ofrecemos a los clientes nuestra experiencia y apoyo en cualquier lucha que puedan estar enfrentando actualmente al colaborar con clientes, patrocinadores, donantes y voluntarios.

  • The Mayor’s Office of African American Male Engagement (MOAAME)

    Mayor's Office of African American Male Engagement

    (443) 984-1055


    4910 Park Heights Ave 2nd Floor , Baltimore, MD 21215

    The Mayor’s Office of African American Male Engagement (MOAAME) is committed to creating a Community Collaborative Network and support structure to identify the needs of men and to coordinate, advance, and implement policies and practices that promote opportunities for all of Baltimore’s African American males, as well as others we encounter, to achieve a successful and fulfilling life.

  • Mayor’s Office of Correspondence and Constituent Services

    Baltimore City Mayor's Office


    100 Holliday St, Room 250 , Baltimore, MD 21202

    The Mayor’s Office of Correspondence and Constituent Services helps constituents access services either through government agencies or nonprofit service providers.

  • Baltimore City Mayor's Office


    (410) 396-4900


    100 Holiday Street #250 , Baltimore, MD 21202

  • Baltimore City Community Action Partnership (CAP)

    Mayor's Office of Children and Family Success

    (410) 396-5555

    Rental Assistance and Utility Assitance available here! (¡Asistencia de alquiler y asistencia de servicios públicos disponibles aquí!)

  • Henderson Hopkins


    (443) 642-2060


    2100 Ashland Ave , Baltimore, MD 21205

    Food boxes are available for pick up Fridays at 12:00 pm, while supplies last.Student must attend school to be served.

  • Northwest Community Action Partnership Center (Northwest CAP Center)

    Mayor's Office of Children and Family Success


    3939 Reisterstown Road , Baltimore, MD 21215

    Community Action Partnership (CAP) centers develop, operate, and support programs that reduce vulnerability and promote personal growth, stability and self-sufficiency among low-income residents in Baltimore City.

  • Mayor’s Office of Children and Family Success (MOCFS)

    Mayor's Office of Children and Family Success


    100 Holliday St , Baltimore, MD 21202

    The Mayor’s Office of Children & Family Success (MOCFS) is an agency dedicated to ensuring Baltimore’s children and families have access to the resources and opportunities they need to succeed and thrive—through citywide coordination of services, smart policymaking, data-driven programming, strategic allocation of resources and deep engagement with partners and the community.

  • Port Recovery


    (410) 522-3746


    8615 Ridgely's Choice Rd, Suite 205 , Nottingham, MD 21236

    8 recovery houses for recovering addicts and alcoholics.

  • Mayor’s Office of Neighborhood Safety and Engagement (MONSE)


    (410) 396-0125


    2700 Rayner Avenue , Baltimore, MD 21216

    As the agency responsible for the implementation of the City’s public health approach to safety through Mayor Brandon M. Scott’s Comprehensive Violence Prevention Plan, MONSE partners with Baltimore’s residents, community-based organizations, institutions, businesses, and agencies to stem the tide of violence, while simultaneously unearthing its root causes.

  • Mayor's Office of Employment Development (MOED)


    (410) 396-3009

    To MOED, economic justice means creating an equitable workforce system that responds to all residents’ needs and provides viable economic opportunities to all residents, especially those who have been generationally and systemically disadvantaged.

  • Sacred Heart of Jesus - Assisi House (Se habla Español)

    Sacred Heart of Jesus

    (410) 342-4336


    600 S Conkling Street , Baltimore, MD 21224

    Assisi House provides food, clothing, referrals and encouragement to the homeless of the area, men and women in rehabilitation programs, immigrants and needy families.

  • Office of Emergency Management (OEM)


    (410) 396-6188


    100 Holliday St, Room 250 , Baltimore, MD 21202

    The Office of Emergency Management protects Baltimore City from emergencies and disasters through emergency planning, partnerships, collaboration and coordination.

  • City of Refuge (Se habla español)

    City of Refuge

    (410) 355-6707


    3501 7th Street , Baltimore, MD 21225

    City of refuge provides free food on Mondays,Wenesdays and Thursdays.If its your 1st time bring your ID. See below for more information!
    City of refuge proporciona comida gratis durante la semana. Lea a continuación para más información!

  • A Helping Hand


    (410) 653-0021


    6401 Dogwood Road, Suite 201 , Woodlawn, MD 21207

    We're passionate about finding the path that works best for you, on your road to recovery!

  • Comcast Internet Essentials


    Low cost. High speed. Internet Essentials has connected over 10 million low-income individuals for over 10 years to fast, reliable internet.


    Mayor's Office of Homeless Services

    (410) 396-3100


    100 Holliday Street , Baltimore, MD 21202

    The mission of the Mayor’s Office of Homeless Services (MOHS) is to make homelessness rare, brief, and nonrecurring in Baltimore City through a trauma-informed, data-driven, and person-centered approach.

  • CityWide Youth Development


    (443) 979-1774


    2132 West North Avenue , Baltimore, MD 21217

    This organization is providing job training and employment opportunities for youth.

  • St. Ambrose Housing Aid Center


    (410) 366-8550


    321 East 25th Street , Baltimore, MD 21218

    Provides housing programs like home-sharing, counseling, legal services, and vacant house renovation to low-income Baltimore residents.
    Ofrece programas de vivienda como vivienda compartida, asesoramiento, servicios legales y renovación de viviendas desocupadas para residentes de bajos ingresos de Baltimore.

  • F.A.C.E. Community Resource Center

    Freedom Advocates

    (410) 522-3223


    1645 North Calhoun Street , Baltimore, MD 21217

    Provides supportive/transitional housing for individuals currently or pending release from correctional institutions.
    Provee vivienda de apoyo/transicional para individuos actualmente o en espera de ser liberados de instituciones correccionales.

  • One Fair Wage Emergency Fund


    One Fair Wage Emergency Fund provides financial assistance for wage-replacement workers like servers and delivery drivers, as well as sub-minimum wage workers.
    One Fair Wage Emergency Fund brinda asistencia financiera para trabajadores de reemplazo de salarios, como servidores y conductores de entrega, así como trabajadores con salarios inferiores al mínimo.

  • Halyard Behavioral Health & Wellness (HBH Wellness)


    (240) 718-8274


    2415 Maryland Avenue , Baltimore, MD 21218

    Addiction and behavioral health treatment with supportive housing residences and counseling. (Tratamiento de adicciones y salud conductual con residencias de vivienda de apoyo y asesoramiento.)

  • Maryland Volunteer Lawyers Services

    Maryland Volunteer Lawyers Service

    (410) 547-6537

    Free legal services for civil cases. Can apply over the phone or online.

  • CVS Pharmacy

    COVID-19 Resources

    CVS Pharmacy is providing FREE medication delivery services.

    CVS proporciona la distribución GRATUITA para pedidos de recetas.

  • Salvation Army of Central Maryland

    Salvation Army, Baltimore Area Command

    (410) 783-2920


    814 Light Street , Baltimore, MD 21230

    Food Pantry by appointment only. Call to set up an appointment.

  • Johns Hopkins Hospital Pharmacy (SALUD -- Se Habla Español)

    Johns Hopkins Bayview Medical Center

    (443) 287-9200


    800 Orleans St, Zayed Bloomberg Building M2125 , Baltimore, MD 21287

    Johns Hopkins Hospital Pharmacy is providing free medication delivery.
    La farmacia de Johns Hopkins Hospital ofrece entrega gratuita de medicamentos.