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Hannah More Family Shelter
St. Vincent de Paul of Baltimore
Family shelter and supportive services to help move from homelessness to housing.
*Refugio familiar y servicios para ayudar a las personas sin hogar encontrar vivienda. *
(410) 773-0320 voice
12041 Reisterstown RoadReisterstown, MD 21136
General Information
A 85 bed shelter in Baltimore County serving families experiencing homelessness.
Services are 24/7 with family rooms. Provides a short term, safe place to live and to receive supportive services to move from homelessness to housing. Married couples & married couples with children and single-parent families.
Eligible for shelter placement for up to 90 days.
Does not accept single individuals without children.
Un refugio de 85 camas en el condado de Baltimore atentiendo a las familias sin hogar.
Servicios son 24 horas al dia, 7 dias a la semana con habitaciones familiares. Provee un lugar seguro y a corto plazo para vivir y servicios de apoyo para ayudar a las personas sin hogar encontrar vivienda. Parejas casadas y parejas casadas con niños y padres solteros.
Elegible para colocacion de refugio hasta 90 dias.
No se acepta individuos soletoros sin niños.
Hannah More shelter offers housing and supporting services. Services include homelessness prevention and shelter diversion, comprehensive 24/7 shelters, day shelter, rapid rehousing, & permanent supportive housing.
El refugio Hannah More ofrece vivienda y servicios de apoyo. Servicios incluyen prevencion para los que estan a riesgo de quedarse sin hogar y desvio de refugio, refugios 24/7, refugio durante el dia, realojamiento rapido y apoyo de alojamiento permanente.
(410) 887-1152 voice