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St. Vincent de Paul of Baltimore (St. Vincent de Paul Society)

St. Vincent de Paul of Baltimore helps low-income and homeless persons meet basic needs and achieve self-sufficiency by providing food, clothing, housing, education, employment and other services.


  • Beans and Bread Homeless Day Resource Center (Centro de recursos para personas sin hogar Beans and Bread)

    St. Vincent de Paul of Baltimore

    (410) 732-1892


    402 S. Bond St. , Baltimore, MD 21231

    Grab-and-Go breakfast Monday through Friday from 8:30AM- 9:30AM and lunch Monday through Saturday and the last Sunday of each month from 11:00AM - 1:00PM. (Desayuno para llevar de lunes a viernes de 8:30am A 9:30 am y almuerzo de lunes a sábado de 11:00 am a 1:00 pm)

  • Home Connections

    St. Vincent de Paul of Baltimore

    (410) 732-1892


    402 S. Bond Street , Baltimore, MD 21231

    Supportive & transitional housing that provides chronically homeless single adults with immediate access to permanent housing.
    Vivienda de apoyo y de transición que brinda a los adultos solteros crónicamente sin hogar acceso inmediato a una vivienda permanente.

  • Cottage Avenue Community

    St. Vincent de Paul of Baltimore

    (410) 462-4009


    3445 Park Heights Avenue , Baltimore, MD 21215

    Provides families that previously have experienced homelessness or are experiencing homelessness with affordable permanent housing and supports their efforts to live independently in the community.
    Proporciona a las familias que anteriormente se han quedado sin hogar una vivienda permanente asequible y apoya sus esfuerzos para vivir de forma independiente en la comunidad.

  • Hannah More Family Shelter

    St. Vincent de Paul of Baltimore

    (410) 773-0320


    12041 Reisterstown Road , Reisterstown, MD 21136

    Family shelter and supportive services to help move from homelessness to housing.
    *Refugio familiar y servicios para ayudar a las personas sin hogar encontrar vivienda. *

  • Innterim Gardens

    St. Vincent de Paul of Baltimore

    (410) 887-8463


    112 Sudbrook Lane , Pikesville, MD 21208

    Provides a short term, safe place to live for families with disabilities while receiving supportive services to move from homelessness to housing.
    Proporciona seguro para vivir a corto plazo para familias con discapacidades mientras reciben servicios de apoyo para pasar de la falta de vivienda a la vivienda.

  • Sarah's Hope House (Sarah's Hope Family Shelter )

    St. Vincent de Paul of Baltimore

    (410) 982-0845 x 101


    1114 N. Mount Street , Baltimore, MD 21217

    Services include meals, activities, tutoring, adult education, case management, housing placement, etc. (Servicios: comida, actividades, tutoría, clases para adultos, administración de casos y mas.)